Natural Order
Natural Order Podcast
Get off my lawn!

Get off my lawn!

Natural Order Podcast - Ep 14

Natural Order Podcast - Ep 14

Hosts Brian O’Leary and Adam Haman start with a discussion about what resulted from Adam’s recent appearance on The Bob Murphy Show.

It leads to a wide-ranging back-and-forth about the state of our culture and why some things we grew up with are not as important to us today.

The fellows veer off into the crazy world of academia for a bit and then bring it back home with a bit of a “white pill” on the state of our culture.

Today’s show brought to you by Tom Woods School of Life.

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He who pays the piper calls the tune…

O'Leary on 𝕏-Twitter

Haman on 𝕏-Twitter

Haman on the Bob Murphy Show

Bob Murphy Show - Ep 292

Deep Thoughts by Brian O’Leary

The O'Leary Review
Deep Thoughts
Listen now (30 mins) | The Brian D. O’Leary Show October 12, 2023 Try as I may, I still can’t shake not being a sports narrowcaster. The topic still comes up. At some point, I have to accept that it is part of who I am. An interesting thing came up today when I was listening to a podcast that my friend and…
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Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey

Saturday Night Live history

Havana (1990)

World Population

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Billboard Hot 100 charts - Wikipedia

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Micky and The Motorcars

One of O'Leary's favorite current "country bands."

Micky and the Motorcars covering Warren Zevon’s Lawyers, Guns & Money

Slice by Five for Fighting

O'Leary's show notes & podcast do not look kindly on the song that Slice harkens back to.

A tragic day, but “the Music” continued: The Brian D. O'Leary Show - 2/3/2023

The O'Leary Review
A tragic day, but “the Music” continued
Listen now (14 mins) | The Brian D. O’Leary Show February 3, 2023…
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Put me in, coach: Youth baseball participation on the rise

Why I consider Elvis Presley and Olivia Newton-John the most influential people in the history of Portland, Oregon: If not the city, certainly the Trail Blazers franchise

The O'Leary Review
Why I consider Elvis Presley and Olivia Newton-John the most influential people in the history of Portland, Oregon
We’ve got a long story for you today, but it’s fun, all true, and it all makes sense by the time you get to the end… The whole story is only available for paid subscribers…read as long as you must and if you are itching to get to the story’s end without interruption…
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Another universal truth discovered: Thanks to my years involved in fly fishing

The O'Leary Review
Another universal truth discovered
Everyone has their own "philosophy." For most of us it is not defined. Over the years, I have recognized some truths about this world that fit into an otherwise largely undefined philosophy.The O'Leary Review is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber…
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What in the world is going on in the “schools” these days?

Teachers union in Portland, Oregon, votes to strike over class sizes, pay, lack of resources

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Graduation requirements for Oregon high schools no longer include knowing how to read, write, or do math because of racism or something

He who pays the piper calls the tune

Who is the "customer" in government-run education ("public schools")?

Parents should be, but they are not...

Donald P. Nielsen (Special to the Seattle Times)

"Academic achievement will not improve, schools will not get better and we will see the teacher’s union demand more money in three years when the contract comes up for renewal."

Lew Rockwell at

"Where there is a demand, and obviously people demand education for their kids, there is supply.  ... Again, the customer would rule. In the end, what would emerge is not entirely predictable—the market never is—but whatever happened would be in accord with the wishes of the public."

Corey DeAngelis

Adam’s “other” gig:

The Nevada Libertarian Party Presents: The Battleborn Podcast

Co-hosted by fellow Nevadan Randy Sadac, the LPNV’s Battleborn podcast features commentary about goings on in Nevada from a liberty perspective. Here you can find some great interviews with people doing great things to advance liberty in the state of Nevada, and beyond.

Don’t miss their great interview with economist (and libertarian superhero) Bob Murphy!

Randy and Adam Interview Robert Murphy

Brian’s empire of content:

Where you’ll find all of the interesting things Brian is up to, including:

While you’re there, don’t forget to buy Brian a coffee. He’ll greatly appreciate it, especially a darker roast.

Adam also runs on coffee, and he would greatly appreciate any contributions that listeners would like to make to help keep him in front of the microphone and producing content.

O’Leary Digital

O'Leary Digital

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Natural Order
Natural Order Podcast
Natural Order started as an idea, developed into a podcast, and is now 'Stacking. Join Adam Haman and Brian O'Leary as they examine the culture through their distinct "lenses."