Equity & Equality ...
The guys take on the thorny issue of equity (whatever that means) versus equality. Is it equality of opportunity?
Are such concepts even possible?
They decide all of it is rotten—inside and out.
What, then, is the right way to look at the issue?
Today’s show brought to you by Liberty Classroom
Is this whole framework of “equity” and “equality” a tragic bait and switch?
How about liberty?
What the Founders thought about “equality”:
The original American concept of “equality” comes to us via our English forefathers and was expressed by the fine people who founded this nation as something like “equality before the law”.
Unlike us moderns, the Founders weren’t insane. Therefore, they didn’t try to convince themselves that all people are actually equal. That’s obviously untrue.
We all have different characteristics, aptitudes, interests, and are different from one another among a zillion other dimensions.
The founders believed that every citizen should be equal before the law while human relations should be governed by free people engaged in free association.
Our founders had a few tragic blind spots about who counts as “citizens,” but their notions regarding equality before the law and freedom of association, they had absolutely right.
We’ve gotten a bit confused since then.
These days, those on the far-left in politics are demanding “equity,” by which they mean “equality of outcome.”
If they sell you on that goal, here comes the kicker: To achieve “equity” these people want a whole lot of political power—and you will not like how they use it.
They want to tax and redistribute. They want to alter hiring and firing relationships. They want to regulate all manners of interaction in society.
The theft and bossiness and destructive interventions can never end because the goal of “equity” cannot be achieved.
It is a complete red herring…a total power grab.
If they successfully hypnotize you into accepting the goal, they hope you will then give them the total power necessary to try to achieve it.
The arrogance, hubris, and destructive power in this vision is worthy of Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, or Kim.
Let’s not fall for it. If you want to get a sense of what such a path leads to (and if actual history doesn’t move you) check out Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged.
Too long? No problem. We’ve got you covered. All you really need is to read this magnificent passage in which some poor wretch describes the downfall of the 20th Century Motor Company.
Please believe me. Read it. You won’t regret it!
But we started down this slippery slope long before “equity”.
We fell for a poisonous concept the moment they convinced us that government power—force, in other words—should be used to achieve “equality of opportunity” among the citizenry.
While not as obviously destructive as the “equity” agenda, even this “equality of opportunity” goal is a poison pill. How is the government to ensure every person has the same opportunity?
A kid with rich parents who are smart and care about him will obviously have more opportunities than a kid from a broken home and mired in poverty. How can that problem be erased?
Even if you levied taxes like a bulldozer, how are you going to “equalize opportunity” when so many other critically important variables apply?
It can’t, obviously. And no government program can do anything about that except tax, redistribute (while keeping a nice chunk to feather its own nest) and boss people around.
The more force the government uses to “solve” the problem, the more destruction it causes in society. It steals. It punishes. It rewards. It bosses people around. It prohibits some associations. It mandates others.
Government power applied in this area is completely antithetical to liberty.
Let’s give up on this poisonous red herring, shall we?
More resources mentioned:
Keynes/Hayek rap battle videos mentioned:
Go to the show notes for Episode 3 for those.
Brian’s been thinking about this issue for a while. Here’s the article he mentioned in the show. From October 2011:
Office of Equity: Fine principle, waste of time
(Though your humble co-host mentions Mrs. O’Leary’s Chicago barn, he is not known to be a relation of the woman who owned a cow that was purported to have burned down the Windy City.)
Adam’s “other” gig:
The Nevada Libertarian Party Presents: The Battleborn Podcast
Co-hosted by fellow Nevadan Randy Sadac, the LPNV’s Battleborn podcast features commentary about goings on in Nevada from a liberty perspective. Here you can find some great interviews with people doing great things to advance liberty in the state of Nevada, and beyond.
Don’t miss their great interview with economist (and libertarian superhero) Bob Murphy!
Randy and Adam Interview Robert Murphy
Brian’s empire of great content:
Where you’ll find all of the interesting things Brian is up to, including:
The O’Leary Review – Writing and associated Podcast
and more.
While you’re there, don’t forget to buy Brian a coffee. He’ll greatly appreciate it, especially a darker roast.
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